Monstera (L)
Last Watered: 29 days ago
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Location: Master Bath
Schedule: Water every 8 days
Bought: Jan. 1, 2020
Fertilized: 5/9/23
| Repotted: 12/17/22
| Treated: 4/20/24
4/20/24: Thrips!
12/22/23: Watered after 24 days, oops!
8/17/23: Watered after 13 days
7/17/23: Two new big leaves coming! Watered after 10 days
6/27/23: Watered after 11 days
6/7/23: Watered after 8 days, another new leaf coming!
5/30/23: Watered after 11 days, two new leaves coming!
5/9/23: Watered after 9 days, fertilized
2/27/23: Three new leaves, really happy!!!
2/9/23: Watered after 13 days
1/27/23: Watered after 16 days, must have liked the repot! New leaf came out!
1/11/23: Watered after 14 days
12/28/22: Watered after 11 days
12/17/22: Repotted!
10/18/22: Cleaned
10/5/22: Cleaned containers
9/26/22: Cleaned containers
9/8/22: Cut everything up to propagate!
8/31/22: Watered after 16 days
8/15/22: Mom watered after 11 days
8/4/22: Mom watered after 13 days
7/22/22: Watered after 10 days by mom
7/2/22: Soaked after 11 days
6/21/22: Watered after 10 days
6/11/22: Watered after 11 days
5/31/22: Watered after 13 days
5/26/22: Two new leaves are coming up!!!!! Still looked wet after 9 days so didn’t water it. Seems to really be liking the indirect light to the side of the door (instead of full sun by the west window)
5/4/22: OMG a new mongo leaf is gonna come out woooooooo!!! It must like the more shady spot! Watered after 13 days
4/21/22: Watered after 10 days
4/11/22: Moved to the shade, a tiny leaf came out!
3/10/22: Watered after 13 days
2/25/22: Watered after 8 days
2/17/22: Watered after 10 days
2/7/22: Watered after 14 days
1/24/22: Watered after 10 days. It seems really unhappy, yellowing. The stalks on it are wrinkly like it is so dehydrated! Super weird
1/14/22: Fertilized! It’s still just so sad, and the leaves are yellow-green, not that gorgeous dark green
12/6/21: Watered after 12 days
11/24/21: Fertilized too!
11/24/21: Two new leaves came out! But they are soooo tiny… watered after 13 days
11/11/21: Watered after 12 days
10/7/21: Watered heavily after 13 days, let it sit in water for a bit
9/24/21: Watered after 21 days, saw some spider mites! Wiped leaves
9/3/21: Watered a little after 15 days
8/19/21: Watered after 14 days
7/29/21: UPDATE! After two months, I put both plants back together. They had already grown a ton of roots! I think I will only water now when the leaves are droopy, maybe I was overwatering. Also kinda damaged new leaf in the repot process…
7/25/21: New leaf poking out! Have barely watered it since being cut, maybe once or twice? Why is it so happy??
5/30/21: CUT UP! Put main yellowing one back in pot and split the other six plants off. Need to buy them soil and pot
5/12/21: Bottom-watered after 23 days. Smallest plant started to wilt and leaf is slowly turning yellow, starting at the vein
4/26/21: New soil molded on top, so sprinkled cinnamon. Should only bottom water. Cut off old yellow leaf. Leaves are still yellowing but only on that one plant (out of 5)
4/17/21: Repotted into a mix of orchid bark and potting soil and perlite! Was TOTALLY root bound (maybe had for 1 year?) but need to repot again in a few months because new pot wasn’t big enough! Maybe this will stop leaf yellowing? If not, break apart roots even more
4/6/21: Cut off the yellowing parts of those two larger leaves
3/31/21: Two big leaves are getting yellow on a single frond :( so I fertilized it!
3/21/21: Watered with 2 cups after 10 days
3/15/21: Oh my god ANOTHER new leaf! But it’s really tiny. Also used scissors to cut off yellow part on huge leaf
3/11/21: Another new leaf! But it’s a small one. Watered after 13 days with 2 tall cups
2/27/21: NEW LEAF FINALLY!!! Watered with two cups after 13 days
2/14/21: Maria watered
2/7/21: Moved into direct sunlight
1/15/21: Watered with two red cups after 10 days
1/13/21: Pulled off 4 yellow leaves :(
1/5/21: Watered after 9 days, showered and rinsed off leaves! It had roots coming out the bottom, maybe that’s why it doesn’t have new leaves (energy dispersion?) Maybe water less, more frequently! To stop leaf yellowing
12/27/20: Maria watered!
12/18/20: Watered after 8 days
12/12/20: Cut off 2 large yellowed leaves and 1 small one. Looks like 4 more old ones are also slowly yellowing
11/30/20: Plucked off an old yellow leaf that had totally crisped up
11/23/20: Fertilized!
11/20/20: Dang another leaf is slowly yellowing! Am I going too long between waterings? Things get pretty droopy... will do research
11/3/20: Watered after 8 days, moved from 10 to 8 now that it’s next to a S window
10/26/20: Watered after 7 days, plucked a small crispy yellow leaf off
10/20/20: Noticed a new leaf starting to poke out!
10/19/20: Watered after 8 days instead of 10, now that it’s moved to a very sunny spot in my new apartment! Also dusted leaves
10/11/20: Watered! Should probably dust the leaves soon
10/7/20: Plucked off big totally yellow dead leaf
10/1/20: Fertilized!
9/27/20: Rotated! It’s newest leaves are smallish, I think it would be much happier if it got way brighter sun (it’s a bit dim in the bathroom)
12/28/20: Fertilized because more leaves are yellowing!
9/20/20: Watered after 8 days
9/12/20: Watered after 9 days
9/8/20: New medium leaf coming out!
9/3/20: Watered with 2 tall cups, plucked off yellow leaf. New medium leaf unfurling (but it’s pretty small, probably needs more sunlight) also fertilized!
8/30/20: Rotated away from sun
8/24/20: New medium leaf unfurling!
8/14/20: Watered with 2 cups and let it soak, two new leaves unfurling (1 big, 1 small)
8/3/20: Fertilized and wiped leaves
7/23/20: Some times it’s REALLY droopy after 9 days, sometimes it’s not! Best to just check
7/17/20: Small leaf unfurled!
7/9/20: New huge leaf unfurling
6/30/20: Started watering and letting it sit in excess water in its tray, seems to really like it!
6/25/20: Fertilized
4/24/20: Fertilized
3/31/20: Sprayed with insecticide (spider mites AND thrips)
1/17/20: Sprayed with insecticide
1/3/20: Needs bright light! (Leaves were unfurling white and brown) Moved from bedroom corner to bathroom window
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